Sunday, April 27, 2008

Hi People

Great to be invited to visit your blog. So far I can say yours is one of the more interesting blogs I have seen. Want to give credit to Xiao Ming for helping to set up the blog and to those who have contributed. The judging panel will be visiting your blog every week to award scores for (1) CONTENT RELEVANCE (2) CONSISTENT PARTICIPATION (3) CREATIVE USE OF MULTIMEDIA.


Mr Andrew Tan

Monday, April 21, 2008

Study Resources

Hello people,

From today onwards, I shall be posting all the materials sent by Mr Tan to everyone (for your convinience in making references) and the slides put up by Mdm Tengara (try ahh, coz I still dun know how to upload ppt onto the blog) in phases. Hopefully, this will help you guys in your revision.

Once again, please contribute to this blog! Try to visit it at least once a day, and, mostly importantly, spam it with your the posts!!! It can be anything, like doubts that you wish to clear, or just any random stuff that you want to discuss with us.


Saturday, April 19, 2008

First Post!

Hi everyone,

This is a blog created by the HwaChong Economics Class @ A109.
Please contribute your thoughts and questions pertaining to our lessons here.
Feel to interact with one another, or post materials that you think will be useful for others to peruse.


20th April 2008